Seasonal Decor | It's not too early to decorate for Autumn... Is it?

Well, after quite the sabbatical, I am back to sharing my passion for home decor. I made it a goal for our family to have "The Best Summer Ever" this year, so I've been busy having fun.... and sweating... a lot. {Did you know there is NO AIR CONDITIONING in Germany?!}  Despite living in a sauna, we have managed to cross off most of the items on our Summer Manifesto. We still need to do the Alpine slide (hopefully this weekend!) and the Barfußpfad (maybe next weekend?), but we've had a fabulous summer so far.

As much as I have enjoyed sharing smiles and laughter with my precious family, I am anxiously awaiting Autumn. Oh, Autumn, you make my heart sing. To me, there is absolutely no better season. Maybe now you can understand why living in Rhode Island was a dream come true for me. I still hope and pray to move back there one day. {Though anywhere in New England will certainly suffice!}
Loving fall in front of our RI home.

I have to pull myself back into reality and we are no longer living in New England. We are so blessed to be enjoying Europe and the fall here is rather splendid. I adore the weather and the ever changing foliage. It is stunning, really.

Salzburg, Austria in October, 2010
Whether you are fortunate to be living in cooler climates or happy to be in warmer locations, there are many simple ways to embrace the season of fall. I'd like to share a few of my favorite ways to celebrate the season.

Candles: This one is huge in our house. Everyone in the family gets excited about yummy smelling candles. Our favorites for fall all come from Yankee Candle: Farmer's Market, Harvest, and Red Apple Wreath. These candles can be found at Bed, Bath and Beyond, at the Exchange (lucky me!) or from Yankee Candle directly.
Pumpkins: Seriously. Everywhere. I love them. As you all know, I am in a seriously white phase right now, so I will absolutely be on the hunt for as many Cinderella pumpkins as I can find. I am dreaming of miniature Cinderellas lining my windowsills. *Ahh*
Of course, you don't have to put pumpkins on your windowsills. Oh, and yours don't have to be white either. Actually, they don't even have to be real! Some of my favorite pumpkins are wicker from Hobby Lobby. I even have pumpkin shaped bowls, plates and a little jute basket. Find your favorite pumpkins and put them all over your house! Use them as centerpieces on your table. Line them up on your bathroom counters. Stick a few on your entry table. You can never have too many! 

Dreamy photo courtesy of Habitually Chic
Guest Towels: These can be easy and inexpensive. I have always found cute fingertip towels for every season at Target. Also be sure to check TJ Maxx, Marshalls and Home Goods for great deals!

Handsoap: It's a little touch that makes a big impression. Check out Bath and Body Works for some fun options! {My favorite is Sweet Cinnamon Pumpkin} I've also found great fall scented handsoap at Home Goods and TJ Maxx.

Cozy Throws: This can be anything that fits your current home decor scheme. I happen to love this one from IKEA right now. I think black and white stripes is right on par for fall and nicely ties in with the rest of our family room.
IKEA Eivor Throw

Pillows: I personally change out the throw pillows on the bench in front of our apartment door. Right now there are some very cute pillows on Etsy. My favorites are the feedsack pillows.

Lovely pillow from Vintage Designs Reborn

Mums & Pansies: Of course! These are so super cheap and crazy easy to keep up. Trust me, I have a black thumb! Grab a few pansy plants, throw them in some galvanized buckets and call it a day!

Gorgeous white pansy photo from 52 Flea

No matter where you live though, you can happily pull out that fall decor and make your home feel warm, cozy and happy. Light the cinnamon candles, put the pumpkin bread in the oven and give me a call when it's ready!

The makings of a boy's room.

Getting Started